"Days of War"
2023 e 2024, books, plaster and acrilyc paint
This site-specific installation began on February 24, 2023, on the anniversary of the first year of the war in Ukraine. With the support of the Municipality of Milan, it was initially hosted at the Sormani Library, a significant place frequented by students, scholars, and those who love reading. It was later moved to the Memorial of the Holocaust in Milan, a symbolic site that commemorates the tragic deportation of Jews and serves as a multifunctional center for dialogue and cultural exchange. From there, it was kindly exhibited in 2024 at laFeltrinelli on Viale Pasubio in Milan.
Since February 24, 2023, day by day, with the contribution of those who participated in the ritual by adding a wounded WhiteBook for each day of war, the pile of injured books grew larger and larger. At the same time, an electronic counter tracked the number of volumes, marking the days since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine: 366, 367, 368... until it reached over 1,000 on the date this text was published.
This installation, made of a simple daily gesture, helps us take a stand (more than many words) against war conflicts and brings us to the awareness that something, even the smallest action, can always be done to denounce how every war offends culture and destroys civilization.
The artists express themselves through large WhiteBooks installations that can engage the public, addressing various themes: social issues, war conflicts, violence, including intraspecific violence. They propose culture as a means to raise awareness and escape indifference, thus becoming 'Artivism.'
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